News & Events

If you would like to add an event to the calendar please contact our website co-ordinator.  If you wish to book the village hall for an event please contact the booking secretary - follow this link

Event Information:

  • Sat

    Filkins & Broughton Poggs Produce Show

    2.30pm - 4.15pmFilkins Village Hall

    Schedules now available from the Village Shop, Cotswold Woollen Weavers or Jane Martin, Inns Cottage

    From the organisers

    More and more of us are growing vegetables and flowers in our own gardens, window boxes or allotments, so do enter your specimens...remember the weather is the same for everyone, so do have a go. Some new classes in all sections and three photography classes this year!

    Remember, the Filkins & Broughton Poggs Produce Show is a long standing tradition in the village and everyone old, young, villagers and friends alike are welcome, especially the children. Do please enter and come along on the day

    The Filkins & Broughton Poggs Produce Show belongs to us all.