The St Filica Society aims to bring people together who share an interest in the well being of the local community.
We held our AGM in February and below you can find the minutes
The St Filica Society was formed over 35 years ago. Its aim is to “have fun” by organizing events in the village. St Filica is a society and as such anyone can become a member. Membership has remained at £2.00 per person per year. Monies raised pay for all the events that the St Filica stage throughout the year as well as the production of the Newsletter and the annual Calendar. Any surplus funds raised during the year are offered back into the community via the village clubs and societies though a bidding and voting system which is finalised at the AGM each February. Everyone is invited to the AGM but only members are entitled to vote on the to decide the distribution.
We organise many events including the famous St Filica Summer Ball (black tie)- every two years- as well as regular Quiz and Curry nights in March and October and bi annually village BBQs. We also offer support to other village events and are always looking for ideas and suggestions that either the St Filica Society team can either organise or just help to stage.
In December we arrange for a Christmas Tree to be erected in the St Peters churchyard and for Father Christmas to tour of the village- this has now been happening since 2002 - giving little presents to all the children waiting at his stops. Then everyone is invited to a 'lighting up' ceremony followed by Mulled Wine, Mince Pies and Carols in the Village Hall. The Christmas tree is kindly donated each year by The Ernest Cook Trust.
We print and deliver the St Filica Newsletter each month and The St Filica Annual Calendar both free to each household. The village website is managed and paid for by the St Filica Society which tells you everything that is going on and a little local history as well.
We do have three gazebos that we hire to the local area 10x4m, 8x4m and 6x4m gazebo with some tables and chairs. If you are interested in hiring these please contact stfilicahire@gmail.com If you would like to join us to raise money for the village and feel you can help put up and take down gazebos please get in touch.