Filkins Relief in Need (FRIN)
Filkins Relief in Need is a charity that could provide up to £200 in one-off support to local residents who need help paying for things like a utility bill or mobility equipment. Read on for more details of how to apply.
It operates in strictest confidence and is the amalgamation of a number of different historic ‘self-help’ charities within the villages (including the Coal Trust). It is entirely separate from other village bodies such as the Parish Council or the Church.
How To Apply
- The Charity exists to provide assistance to residents of Filkins and Broughton Poggs in cases of one-off hardship or need.
- The Charity is unable to enter into commitments to provide recurring support, such as ongoing heating bills, rent etc.
- Applicants must be resident in either Filkins or Broughton Poggs. In exceptional cases applications from individuals resident immediately outside the parish will be considered, but only if there is a strong qualifying connection with the villages.
- The Trust has limited resources. As such the largest individual grant that is likely to be made is in the order of £200.
- Applications should be made in writing or via email to either the Chairman, the Treasurer, the Secretary, or any of the Trustees as listed below.
- Applications may be submitted by a third party on behalf of an applicant, but only with the knowledge and consent of the applicant.
- Applications should state 1) the purpose for which the grant is required, 2) the amount of the grant sought, and 3) how the remainder of the purchase will be funded (if applicable).
- Applications will be copied to all Trustees and will be treated in STRICTEST No application will be discussed with any other individual or organisation without the express permission of the Applicant.
Current Trustees:
Chair: Lucille Jones 01367 860282
Treasurer: Diane Blackett 01367 860504
Secretary: Charlie Payne 07810 158558 / 01367 860529
Trustees: Ena Constable 01367 860418
Mary Cover 01367 860302
Stephen Evans
Margaret Hambidge 01367 860381
Reverend Harry MacInnes 01993 845954
Jane Martin 07857 912466