Your Parish Council

The role of the Parish Council

Your Parish Councillors

Details on how to contact Parish Councillors or the Clerk are below. Please click on the email icon to email a Councillor or Clerk direct.

Richard Howe


Roland Jones

Vice Chair

01367 860898

Kevin Robbins


Andy McIntyre


Stephen Evans


Kym Ford


Parish Council Employees

Cris Hoad

Clerk & Responsible Financial Officer

01367 860388

Working Groups

Planning and Environment: Roland Jones, Richard Howe, Kevin Robbins
Property, Cemetery and Highways: Roland Jones, Kevin Robbins
Swimming Pool: Andy McIntyre
Finance: Richard Howe, Stephen Evans
Legal and Public Affairs Andy McIntyre
Village Centre Trust  Richard Howe, Kevin Robbins,  Roland Jones, Stephen Evans, Andy McIntyre, Kym Ford
Village Hall Representative: Richard Howe
Village Shop Liaison Stephen Evans
Parish Transport Representative  Kym Ford
Communications Stephen Evans
Footpath Warden (non Councillor) Sue Hitchcock

Planning, Cemetery & Environment: Planning applications, building works, dogs & litter, flooding issues & the Bund. Cemetery

Property & Highways: Roads, traffic, street lighting, grass cutting and our properties. (Village Centre land & buildings, war memorial, cemetery, bus shelter, playground, Hardcastles Field)

Finance: Income & Expenditure, budgeting, pensions

Legal and Public affairs: Village Legal issues, insurance, WODC, OCC, RAF

Village Centre: Village centre Administration