The WI is an organisation for women and currently has approximately 225 000 members. It is not just about Jam and Jeruselem; even though this is where our roots lie and we still hold these values dear; it is so much more! Not only is the WI about women meeting socially, but the WI has a voice to campaign and highlight issues nationally and internationally. It roots are also educational. The WI has been described as a force to be reckoned with!!! The WI is what we make it to be, want you want it to be and it can inspire you in different ways!!! You can just attend meetings or get involved in county and national events, it is up to you. You can be as involved as much as like. Filkins and Broughton Poggs WI is an eclectic group of women and we certainly make the most of getting together, not only to learn new things, but for discussion and most importantly to have fun along the way! Here's a little insight into Filkins and Broughton Poggs WI.
Filkins and Broughton Poggs WI have been extremely busy over the past year. 2015 was the WI’s Centenary year and we celebrated with an evening of performances covering the past 100 years. Our own group of WI’s recreated a WI committee meeting from 1927, written exclusively for us by Richard Martin. We celebrated on the actual day the WI was 100 (16th September) with an evening marking the Queen being the longest serving monarch. Both evenings enjoyed by all. The WI Centenary baton travelled through Filkins and Broughton Poggs and Pam Edwards passed it onto Clanfield WI in style. Vicky was extremely privileged and honoured to represent Filkins and Broughton Poggs WI at the special Garden Party at Buckingham Palace and even spoke to the Countess of Wessex! We will be having our very own celebration in January as we reach 70 years!
Meetings during the past few months have ranged from talks to crafts. We heard from Angela Panrucker on the Order of the Garter and members shared crafts ideas in time for Christmas. We also had a games evening for our members evening as well as our social evening, including a lovely Christmas meal at the Plough in Alvescot. Meetings are as social as we can make them, we normally have tea and cakes provided by members, but sometimes we are known to have the odd glass of wine!
Many of us attend events organised by OFWI (Oxfordshire Federation of WI’s) which include day trips and talks. The annual science lecture (these are educational, but aimed at an appropriate level!) and the celebrity evening. NFWI (National Federation of WI’s) help organise campaigns which we can get involved with.
The programme for the current year is varied, but as already mentioned we want to have fun as we learn. If you are interested in joining or just want some information please speak to any member or call Michele Heath, our president, on 01367 860129. Details can also be found on the National and County WI website. Currently the annual subscription is £37 and is pro rota if you join during the year.