Filkins Village Hall AGM

The Annual General Meeting will take place at

7.30pm on Wednesday 5th March 2025

All village residents are welcome, but of you are unable to attend, do email me if  you would like any issue raised at the meeting

Also, we are in need of an ‘Outside Officer’ to help keep around the Hall gardened and tidy, If you can help, do please let me know.

Sue Yardley, secretary:

VE Day Celebration

Saturday 10 May 2025

VE Day Celebration

Filkins Village Hall from 7.30pm 

Swing Band and a Fish & Chip supper

Curry & Quiz Night

Curry & Quiz Night

Saturday 22nd March 7pm

Up to 8 per team, 17.50 per head, pay in advance,

Pay Bar  –  cash or card accepted

Beetle Drive

please come to our


and help raise funds for Filkins Bowls Club
7.30pm on Thursday
27th February
Filkins Village Hall
A ridiculous game but great fun and
absolutely no experience necessary!
Entry £2.50 to include first game, with subsequent
games 50p
Wine, Soft Drinks and Raffle
ring Jane on 07857 912466 for more information

St Filica AGM

Please join us for a glass of wine and, for just £2.00, become a member of St Filica for another year.

Bids are invited for allocation of funds raised from last year’s events and should be made to by Friday 31 January 2025.  Bidders will be asked to make a short pitch to the membership at the AGM outlining their bid.

Members will then be invited to vote on which bids will be funded this year.

80’s Tribute night with Jay Ashton… And a splendid supper!

Come and enjoy an evening with Filkins’ own Jay Ashton, a well known ’80s tribute singer… Together with a great supper, paybar, and probably some dancing if you care to!

You can reserve complete tables of 6 or 8, or come as a smaller group or alone, and there will be convivial tables to join.

Looking forward to seeing everyone from 7pm on Saturday 30th November in Filkins Village Hall.

You can buy tickets (£15) from Filkins Shop and Cotswold Woollen Weavers, or reserve them now…

Text: 07713 636415  or email:

Village Shop – Annual General Meeting

All shareholders are warmly invited to our AGM on Tuesday, 15th October, 2024, at 7pm, in the Village Hall.

Do join us for wine and nibbles, together with shop related discussion – to this end, the agenda is available under October News on Our News tab. If you are not yet a member and would like to attend, share application forms are available from the Shop. Shares are available at £10 each (one per adult resident).

We look forward to seeing you there.