Below is a list of local businesses based in Filkins & Broughton Poggs. If you would like to be added to the directory, please contact our website co-ordinator.
Cotswold Village Rooms
Village B&B Accommodation
07582 073789 (Main)
Contact Name: Margot Clarke
Dancing Trousers Cookery School
Dancing Trousers specialises in private group cookery courses. If you have an event or celebration that you would like to bring to life with hands-on cookery, informative and friendly teaching, contact
Head to Heal
Holistic massage for relaxation; Reiki healing and teaching
07818 440824 ( Mobile)
01367 860139 (Main)
Contact Name: Charlotte McDonald
TC Garden Services
Garden projects, garden & home maintenance
07771 888304 (Mobile)
Contact Name: Tony Colledge